Cardlane Ltd

Scholarship Program

Who are CardLane Ltd

Founded in 1993, Cardlane started as a subsidiary organisation of the Angolan government managing the national oil company – Sonangol’s Scholarship Program. As the company has gone from strength to strength over the years – putting students through higher education in the UK, Cardlane has quickly become a trusted and highly valued organisation in both Angola and the UK.


As a result of their growth, Cardlane required a multi-lingual professional and informative website which would be a particularly useful resource for interested students and partners. Ultimately, Cardlane required a website that could be managed easily and updated regularly.

What we did

  • The website would be built on an Open Source WordPress (CMS) platform
  • The website would look to integrate both the Portuguese and English versions of the site on one platform-allowing users to utilise the website version they would be most comfortable with.
  • Integrated social media icons so users can conveniently share information
  • Set up MailChimp newsletter facility
  • Designed the navigation of the site to be very user friendly
  • Set up a media centre including a Gallery and Latest News section

Our verdict

t was a pleasure working with Cardlane and more over being involved in a project that is so significant to the lives of many Angolan students. We wanted to design and develop a site that would be both informational without compromising on appeal. We are very pleased with the final website and wish Cardlane every success in the great work that they do.

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Provided Beem with a long-term technical roadmap to extend their offering from enterprise only to the general public. And built an MVP conceived to scale alongside their business.
JBi were handed a loose brief with the central criteria that we produce something modern, fresh and engaging.
JBi were tasked with creating an inspiring communication tool for existing and potential clients.
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