Dyslexia Action Shop

Who is Dyslexia Action?

Dyslexia Action is a national charity for people with dyslexia, a condition that affects 10% of the UK population to varying degrees. By providing assessment, tuition, training and research services, Dyslexia are an extremely reputable charity who provides incredible and effective results to their customers.

Specifically for the project, we were asked to create an E-Commerce website for Dyslexia Action Shop, the trading arm of Dyslexia Action.

The shop was first established in November 1995. With a small dedicated team who provide an efficient and friendly service, they have the added benefit of the wealth, knowledge and expertise of Dyslexia Action colleague’s at their fingertips.

What was required?

An E-Commerce shop with divided and dedicated channels for parents, teachers, trainers and adult learners was required in order to help the user find the right resources to suit their needs easily and quickly… to put it bluntly!

At the time the business operated with a number of internal CRM and order fulfillment systems, all of which had to be integrated with the E-Commerce platform we planned to build for the new site to ensure it was a smoothly transitioned upgrade for the charity.

All in all, Dyslexia required a solution that was easy for them to manage and maintain, but most importantly allowed the customers to find the products and services they wanted with great ease.

What we did

  • E-commerce website built on Magento platform.
  • Three sub-sections built within the website; Parents, Teachers and Professionals – each displaying their respective product ranges and each to have specific content targeted to their audiences preferences.
  • Featured rotating image banner for latest products and updates.
  • Related products on product detail pages.
  • Rich text editor to modify pages and embed content.
  • Catalogue Request Forms, Quick Enquiry form and other call to action prompts.
  • Shopping cart and check out.
  • Secure payment gateway integration with Sagepay (Token system).
  • Social Media Integration.
  • Order fulfillment automation and integration.
  • CRM integration to ensure all systems are speaking to each other.

JBi verdict

This wasn’t just a standard E-Commerce website. Let alone the requirement of being able to sell their products online, we had to make sure that the CRM and order fulfillment systems they already had in place would sync with the new website platform and be delivered as an all-rounded business management solution.

The planning phase was extremely important here, as we had to look into great detail about the integration set ups and make sure that the overall project would enhance how Dyslexia ran as a non-profit business.

After careful preparation and micro managing the execution of the project, not only are we happy with the results but Dyslexia Action Shop are running a charitable business with a great online asset to their name that works.

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