Audience at Facebook by Lawrence Jackson
Audience at Facebook by Lawrence Jackson

9 ways Facebook Connect can boost your Magento website

So here’s the thing, you have an Magento store and you have Facebook, but for some reason they’re not, well, gelling. Your Facebook activities consist of a post here and a post there, but no one seems to pay that much attention to what you’re saying let alone what you’re selling. What’s worse, any idea of building a community or fan base is pretty much non-existent. Sound a little tooooo familiar? But hey hey don’t worry, because what if I told you there’s a way, that won’t only boost your ecommerce sales but will also make you a social superstar?  Yes, you heard it right, boost your sales and make you a social superstar.  What is it…wait for it….

Facebook Connect!

Say what girlfriend? Facebook Connect, well what can it do for my online store?

What can’t it do should be the question my friend.  Like the middleman arranging a beautiful union, between your Magento store and Facebook – this really is the ‘must have feature’ of the moment. In fact, I can show you 9 ways Facebook Connect can work for your Magento site and I can guarantee you’ll be impressed.

Show off your social side with a recent activities feed on your ecommerce homepage

A recent activity block is great to show your potential customers just how well your products are doing and why they need to get their hands on whatever it is you’re selling. Just remember we’re all predictable to a certain extent, so this little, but powerful feature is great to grab a user’s interest and give them the boost to jump on the bandwagon.

Get us subscribing to your Facebook page

The ‘Facebook Subscribe’ is a pretty nifty feature allowing people to subscribe to your Facebook feed and keep up to date with your brand’s news and developments. The idea here is to get the ball rolling and start building that a community fan base.

 Two stores in one with Facebook Connect

We all know that any advertising is good, but if it promotes selling your brand’s products to a larger audience, well that’s an advertising opportunity you just can’t ignore. With FB Connect you can display your Magento products on Facebook for your customers to browse, and if they want to buy something they’d be transferred to your Magento site for checkout. The biggest win-win situation no?

Give your users the opportunity to shout about your products

By asking your customers to share their purchase with their friends, is pretty much the same thing as ‘word of mouth marketing,’ but with Facebook Connect it’s no effort at all, a strategically placed button does all the work so you don’t have to.

The same goes for sharing a customer’s wish list or completed order with their Facebook friends.

Is it too much to ask to ‘like’ me?

Exactly, it really isn’t is it. So there’s no reason why a customer on your site shouldn’t ‘like’ you or ‘like’ the product they’ve bought. The beauty of this feature is that you have the option to place this button anywhere you like. And when clicked, the system automatically posts the ‘liked’ product on the user’s Facebook wall for the world to see.

The same can be said about the send button, which allows users to send a message to their friends directly from your Magento site.

Both buttons help further market your brand whether privately or publicly, and the best thing is that, all of this is at your customer’s discretion, so you know it’s genuine love.

 Let your customers tell you how amazing your products are

This feature serves two purposes in boosting your marketing activities:

  • Customers can post a comment on your site about the products they’ve bought, helping you build that strong fan base you want
  • A customer’s comment will also be posted on their own walls for their friends to see

Both actions have one common cause, promoting your site.

Giving back and getting more in return

Now, it’s always good to give back especially if it means you have a shot at securing returning customers as well as new ones.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to offering your customers incentives to get those number of likes up. So for instance, offer instant coupons or 10% of an order in exchange for a Facebook like.

Or what about F Recommend?

Wait what? Ok, put simply F Recommend is a widget that displays on your check out page. Now, it’s here that you can attach a message offering discounts to your customers if they successfully recommend a product to their Facebook friends.

So say if a user hits the ‘F Recommend’ button on their checkout, a message is posted immediately on their wall giving them news of their discount as well as a little description of the product they’ve bought.

Such is the power of the F Recommend.

 Show your customers that some things in life are free!

Here, you have the opportunity to show off your generous side by offering your customer’s something completely free. Whether it’s a digital product, a manual, a book, whatever it is, by asking your customer to ‘download a free product’ in exchange for a ‘like’ is pretty unheard of,  and at the same time quite intriguing given the minimal effort involved. All these random acts of kindness don’t go unnoticed so it can only be a good thing when it comes to raising the authority of your site and your social media presence.

Show us your Fanbox

Hey now don’t be silly, showing your user’s your Fanbox isn’t rude guys. In fact, it shows your potential customers just how popular your Magento site is. So if you’ve got it, flaunt it! Get those users coming back and attract new ones.

Our take

It’s fair to say, I’m sold with Facebook Connect. It’s not only easy to integrate into your ecommerce site, but it also helps market your brand on a social platform without you having to do much. As you can see from the above, the possibilities are endless in bridging your site and the world that is Facebook together, so I can’t help but push the idea to you. Get Facebook Connect on your Magento ecommerce site, really, the clue is the name… Connect!