
10 eye opening statistics to give you the boost you need!

Okay, so our title is a little vague, but you’re here nonetheless. If you haven’t read our latest piece on Social Currency and E-Commerce do that now, because you’ll get where we’re going with this post when you do. If you’ve read it already well let’s go. Given that both social and E-Commerce are booming, this post is all about what is driving it and more than anything is it a beautiful mutually reinforcing circle, where everyone seems to benefit?

With the help of a number of key studies we thought we’d source some of the most eye opening statistics that we’re sure will also get you thinking what we’re thinking. Which is…it is in fact a beautiful mutually reinforcing circle where everyone benefits and it’s time to jump on board!

So did you know?

  1. In 2013 72% of all UK adults bought goods or services online that’s up from 53% in 2008- Research by ONS
  2. 1/4 of Brits have shopped online using their phones- Research by DPD
  3. 53% of active social networkers follow a brand- NM Incite
  4. 69% of tablet owners make a purchase on their tablet every month- InMobi
  5. 42% of all referral traffic to E-Commerce sites  came from the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube- Internet Retailer
  6. Referral traffic from social media to E-Comm sites went from 36.3 million to 51.5 million monthly unique visitors in 2013- Internet Retailer
  7. 74% of all consumers rely on social networks to guide  purchase decisions- Sprout Social
  8. 79% of consumers like a Facebook company page because it offers discounts and incentives- Sprout Social
  9. Mobile commerce grew by 254% between 2010 and 2011 and a further 300% between 2011 and 2012- IMRG
  10. The global E-Commerce industry is worth $1.1 trillion as of 2013!- Mashable

We know it’s all pretty shocking, but let’s face it, it’s got you thinking about just how digital our lives are. But it should also be food for thought especially if you have an E-Commerce site or even if you’re thinking of redesigning or developing a website. For us, these stats have not only confirmed that social drives e-commerce and vice versa with mobile and tablet as key facilitators but also that responsive design and social media marketing really are areas worth investing in, especially as part of your website redesign and marketing strategies to get the most return. But before we go off on one now, we’ll leave that topic for our next post!